Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trying out vegan diet for a week. My motives, introduction and Day 1

This post will be a little different from the previous ones. I should rather say that the next 7 posts will be concentrating on a challenge I've decided to take. I have no idea where the idea exactly came from, but I've always been interested in vegetarianism and veganism. Although I'm not a vegan or not even a vegetarian I understand their motives and value their commitment highly. Therefore I hope no-one misinterprets my aim in this challenge and understands that it's all about my personal interest.
So the challenge I've taken is to try out their lifestyle, precisely veganism, for a week. Many may say that this limited time will not give me an good idea of veganism. At this point, I must say that this is not my intention. I know what veganism is and I've done plenty of research on their nutrition, I've even ordered some vegan chocolate, sweets and sausages(!!). My aim is not to get what veganism is, but to understand how determined they must be and to see what obstacles come on the way. I do know that one week is not comparable to actually experiencing it but it will give me a glimpse of the pros and cons of being a vegan, without entirely excluding the moral benefits. During this week, my blog is transformed into a informal diary where I'll note down how it has affected me so far.  I've talked to vegetarians and vegans, who have given me an idea of what I can expect. I also want to thank them for the help and support. I also feel the need to note that I hope my other friends will not judge, tempt or talk about it too much, as you can follow it all here and I appreciate your understanding. 
 I agree that one week may not be enough to affect my social life too much, for example going to eat out with friends and having to say no to basically everything. I also have know that I can not label it as being a full-vegan-for-a-week, as veganism also includes more than just abstaining from animal-based foods. At this point, I'd like to go on to my first day as trying out vegan diet for a week. 

Day 1

I can confidently say that I'm as prepared as I can possibly be, excluding some natural draw backs such as finding out that my chocolate will not arrive until the end of the month..... Which means basically that  I will abstain from chocolate among other things. How awful as it may sound, it's not gonna make a huge difference. I've had a week without any added sugar or sweet products, and the benefits of it were undescribable. To make it short and not to concentrate on my previous weird challenge, I will just say that as my blood sugar was normal without extra sugar, it was quite enjoyable. 
However my preparation for the week didn't consist of only ordering chocolate. I went to a local supermarket just 15 minutes away with my vegetarian friend(you are incredibly precious, Marci!!), who helped me buy food for the next days without any unconscious mistakes. I'm now stocked with vegan bread, various salads, smoothies and fruits, which will help me get through the next days. We are also planning to go to a vegan restaurant this weekend which already sounds to be delicious!
So I'd say there weren't many draw backs today and I coped well. I also discovered that it's even possible to buy some vegan snacks from school. It is indeed limited, but I'm happy that there's any at all. A few smoothies can actually fill you up very quickly after school and you have more free time during lunch as you don't need to queue for any food and can easily prepare it at home. I'm still a bit worried about the limitations I have, as it's not very varied, but I do my best to maintain my determination. The tomato soup I had for lunch was perfect and as you can imagine, I still find it incredibly delicious. I'm glad I discovered it and am able to now keep buying it even after my vegan-week will end. So even though I can't join others at the cookies time(a break time after school, where you can get tea, coffee and biscuits) and have to watch them drink their Latte and eat freely, there's nothing tempting about it. 
So I'll finish it today and provide you with more information tomorrow. One day as a vegan hasn't changed my sleeping habits and I still need my at least 8-hour beauty sleep(figuratively speaking).

Sunday, June 3, 2012


 Aga meie lähme Blink 182 kontserdile see reede +veedame viimase nädalavahetuse Londonis. NING MA LÄHEN TALLE AUGUSTIS SAKSAMAALE KÜLLAA!!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Almost there :)

Sorry, I haven´t been in a condition to write for a while... but it´s getting better and I´ll post some photos etc. Also next time when I happen to have some motivation, i´ll use it properly                                   

Istun hetkel siin laua taga ja lihtsalt ootan, et see nädal juba läbi saaks. Täiesti kohutavalt masendav esmaspäev, millele järgnes veelgi masendavam teisipäev. Ainuke lootust andev tegur on olnud Helen(mu uus toakaaslane). Ma poleks iial uskunud, et alguses täiesti võõra inimesega tuppa sattumine võib selliseks õnnistuseks osutuda. Mõne inimesega lihtsalt klapib ja kohe sobib.. see on ikka väga kaugel sellest raskest toajagamisest mida ma alguses pelgasin. Suuresti muidugi ka minu esimesel toakaaslasele(no offence, aga tagasi mõeldes oli ta ikka tõeline bitch). Ilma Helenita oleksin siin kolm päeva lihtsalt oma voodis lamanud ja mitte kuhugi liikunud. Meil toas tujud ka liiguvad ühelt inimeselt teise, niiet üksteisest arusaamiseks pole vaja isegi pingutada. Eelmine nädal kusjuures lõppes üllatavalt hästi. Reedene päev oli lihtsalt kirjeldamatult naljakas ning isegi laupäeva nautisime, missest et me mõlemad vaid paar tundi maganud olime. Aga no eks selline nädalavahetus peabki kohe kontrastiks saama esmaspäeva oma kõikide eksisteerivate probleemidega. Eilne õhtu paistis aga jällegi helgemas valguses ning tõi natuke inimlikkust tagasi. Ma ei kujuta ette kuidas ma ennast sinna kohale vedasin, aga läksime siis Kristellega varem pinksi mängima. Pärast kahte tundi olin küll päris läbi, aga palju paremaks läks olemine kohe. Trennikaaslaste huumor läheb küll peale, samas nüüd järgmine nädal pole jälle trenne, sest inglastel on nädalane vaheaeg.. meil lõppeb see eest kool varem. Kuid vähemalt suutis see mu olemise paremaks teha.
Päris mõttetu ülevaade, aga pidin kuhugi üles kirjutama kuidas ma ennast viimastel päevadel liigutada pole suutnud... Kui ma selle nüüd kõrvale jätan ja üritan veel märkimisväärsete asjade peale mõelda, siis avastan, et ka vaatamata sellele millest ma just kirjutasin, on paljugi muud juhtunud.
Otsustasin lõpuks oma ained järgmiseks kaheks aastaks ära. Loodetavasti enam muutusi selles ei tule, sest siis läheks päris keeruliseks asi. Psühholoogia, Bioloogia ja Ajalugu HL ja English A, Spanish ja matemaatika SL. Lõpuks anti mulle siis luba inglise keel emakeelena võtta, mis mind isegi meeldivalt üllatuma pani. Eesti keele õppimises ma erilist mõtet ei näe, eriti kui mul on võimalus kolmas keel praegu juurde õppida... Aga eks paistab kui raskeks mul see kõik kujuneb.
Lauatennises on samuti päris hästi läinud. Üle eelmine nädalavahetus oli invitation tournament. Naistest tulin teiseks, mis oli kusjuures väga pettuma panev, sest ma pole sellele finaalivastasele peaaegu kordagi kaotanud ja nüüd andisin nii lihtsalt talle viimase setti ära.... Segapaaris aga võidsin Jingyu´ga, mis kohati kompenseeris mu kaotuse. Samuti sain aasta juuniori tiitli :) Ma ei tea kas olen maininud, aga mul on neljapäeval nüüd veel üks trenn juures, kus Oxfordshire´i kaks parimat mängijat käivad meid treenimas, mis on päris hästi läinud. Kõige parem osa on muidugi autosõit sinna ja tagasi, sest see suudab meeleolu heaks teha. Üks kord see poolakas andis mulle oma teed, mida ta poola poest pidevalt ostab. Päris naerma ajas küll, aga maitsev glögi-maitseline tee oli vähemalt.  Pluss alati kestvad kommentaarid minu õige treeneri sõidustiili kohta, sest me keegi ei tunne ühtegi 65-aastast kes nii kiiresti sõidaks. Kõige parem osa sellejuures on, et kõik teised mäletavad ka paremini millal ta oma trahvid on saanud ja ta paar korda kuus ikka räägib nendest.
Aga nüüd ma luban, et kui mul järgmine kord kirjutamise tuju tuleb, siis ma tõesti avan blogi ja kirjutan midagi huvitavat ka üle pika-pika aja. Arvatavasti küll inglise keeles, sest pärast selle postituse läbi lugemist on igasugune isu eesti keeles kirjutada kadunud.

Peaaegu nädalavahetus.... peaaegu suvevaheaeg.

Seni aga veidike üleeelmise nädalvahetuse pilte, kui ma Isiga Blenheim palaceis käisin :

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today was a perfect day. It was one of those days, where everything went just right. It really was a nice day, with the best ending ever! I just got a letter from vice-principal, saying that i can share a room with Helen next year!!!! This was so unlikely and my happinness and relief is just unexplainable. Everything will be so much easier and I absolutely love sharing a room with her! Its just perfect! And today was just incredibly nice. The weather. Strawberrys. Blenheim palace. And of course i should mention my very best Mother, as it was also Mothers day.
I think that whenever i feel down, i should remember that there are always those nice days to look forward to. They come suddenly and make you feel so much better. It was a great change, as I've been feeling quite bad for the past weeks, so it just helped me so much. Thank you Isi!!!!! And thank you St. Clares for putting a perfect ending to my day!!! And thank you mom .... for just always being there for me, no matter how far I actually am!!!! And thank you everyone else, who i havent talked to for a while, im still thankful that i have you all!!! And i also want to thank you, the anonymous stranger(or simply stalker), reading my blog every once in a while.

Pictures following soon. PREVIEW:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No kohe üldse pole tuju. Lihtsalt ei ole. Ei ole tuju kooli jaoks. Ei ole tuju kirjutada. Joonistada. Pildistada. Ainuke inimene, eks mu siin täiesti lounimisest välja toob, on mu toakaaslane Helen. Temaga on küll vahepeal nii tohutult palju juhtunud ja ta põhimõtteliselt ainuke inimene kes suudab mu tuju paremaks ka teha. Järelikult peabki nii olema, et vahepeal pole kohe üldse tuju midagi teha.. Vahel ehk peabki kõik korraga ära tüütama ja viitsimine nullis olema.
Samas ma ei näe sellel mingit põhjust. Viimasel nädalal on just päris palju head juhtunud- pinksis on head treeningud ja võistlused olnud, koolis on ka täpselt need ained mida ma tahan ning isegi tunniplaan sobib päris hästi. Kõige nõmedamaks pean ma asja juures vist enda vingumist. Tõsiselt ka, ma ei mõista mis mul peas toimub, et ma viimasel ajal nii palju vingun. Aga no mis seal ikka, loen veidike raamatut ja magan ennast parem välja, väsitav trenn oli ka täna. Järjekordne lühike lõik on mu elust siia üles kirjutatud.
Nautige muusikat ja pilte mis ma ühel õhtupoolikul pärast jooksmist tegin. ( jooksin tuppa tagasi kaamera järgi, sest ilm tundus heaks(loe:tormiseks) pöörduma) :

Translation: Basically I just dont bother to do anything .I cant even make myself write something, not even mentioning doing anything for school. Lack of motivation is killing me, although there´s no reason for it. Table tennis has been pretty good lately and theres nothing wrong in school either. And then I just keep whining...... Anyway at least my (the best one ever!!) roommate doesnt let me be a complete loner and can cheer me up anytime.
Seriously.. I should just get some sleep and everything will be better. My blog is called "love life and life will love you back" for a reason, therefore i should really stop writing this non-sense.
Enjoy the music and the few photos I took.

Viimane pilt on sellepärast, et ma tegin Eestis hästi palju süüa ja sinna hulka kuulus ka TIRAMISUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU !1 Ning jah, see vääris igat suurt capslockiga U-tähte


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So yesterday I was up until one. I had no homework after the exams were over, so i spent the day...... basically doing nothing, skyping, went for a run - the casual stuff. Then I accidentally started to browse some tumblers and and i found some really good photos, so I thought about doing a photobomb. Also I got some good ideas for a photoshoot I'm gonna do if the weather is appropriate and i find a suitable person.

Eile said siis eksamid läbi ning pärast seda veetsin ma päeva lihtsalt lebotades, skypedes, käisin jooksmas ja põhimõtteliselt niisama vihmast ilma nautides. Juhuslikult avastaisn ennast tumbler'eid tsekkimast ja ka oma vana weheartit konto leidsin üles. Niiet siit siis see järgnev hunnik fotosid. Samuti sain päris mitu ideed fotoshuutideks.Kui ilm on sobiv ja ma leian inimese, kes nendeks sobiks ja suudaks piltidele tuua selle sõnumi, mida ma vajan, siis teen need kindlasti ka ära.

Monday, April 23, 2012

So two exams are over and only three more to go. I've been thinking a lot lately, whether i should post this story for you to read, or is too off-topic. We had to write a gothic story for the exam, with a horror story theme and style. It was my first time to write(and complete) a short-story, but i really enjoyed doing it. That's why i thought i might as well post it here. I hope that at least some bother to take the time and read it. And maybe some ideas for the title?
Here it is: 

I was approaching the house. I could see it from the long look on the people’s faces, hastening away. It was a dim evening and for Tallinn, this place was strangely abandoned. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m always shocked by the contrast between the old town and this area in the centre of it. I had to be careful to not let my thoughts drift away. With every step I took, the tension was increasing, I could feel it with all my senses. The agony was slowly starting to take over me. Even though it happens every single time, I’m always new to this. The worst part is that I couldn't do anything about it, I had to go there. As unexpected as always, the footsteps struck me from out of nowhere. My conscious had drifted away, and so did my thoughts. Why can’t I do anything about it? Why does it have to come?
He is here. The footsteps are loud and clear. I can feel the sweat on my palms and suddenly my breathing is getting louder. So did the desperate scream inside me, looking for a way out. My heart pounding against cloth. I knew I had to get inside. NOW. I couldn’t see him, but the incensed him is too dreadful to not hurry up. I could already see the house, peaking from the corner of that narrow street that I knew so well.  It wasn’t ominous because of the lack of people, as I saw none, but because how one could distinguish the house from others. It isn’t about the way it looks, as it’s as usual medieval merchant house as any other, but it’s the way it takes your energy away. It just draws your attention to it and suddenly you are enchanted. You are enchanted , but at the same time you want to keep away from it. You have a hunch that it’s not the right place to be. Not even close.
I was now running towards the house.  He was so close, I could almost feel his breath against my neck. The door that only needed a light push, seemed to take ages to open. I closed it behind me as fast as I could and ran upstairs. My old room was as dim as ever and then it struck me. Out of no-where. I forgot to lock the door... but it’s too late and it wouldn't stop him anyway. At best, it would have slowed him down and given me more time to think. At least the footsteps are slower and I can feel how he is dragging himself. He is struggling to get in. I took my notebook out and started counting the days once again. Just to be sure that this is the last night. The only light in my life left. I have no idea how I have been able to pass those 6 days, without anything happening, but the last 3 hours I have left, might as well be my last. I have to keep him away from me. I can’t let him take me with him. Those three hours can be fatal. Everything will be fine afterwards and I can continue in a way I have until now.
I was trying to hold on to the thought of the morning even, but as always, the agony was slowly taking over. He wanted me to feel it, he uses it to keep on going. It makes him feel good, revengeful. Even before he mentioned it I knew he wants to take me with him, he wants me to experience the same as him, to be just a haunting shadow. He is inside now. My heart beating faster and faster, I felt breathless. I held my notebook close to me and hoped for the best. Maybe he won’t hear me? Maybe he decides to leave me alone for once? Those naive prayers were vain. I knew it’s him, I knew he is getting closer. It was only the matter of seconds until he reached the door. My hope was going further and further into the darkness and I couldn't feel anything. My senses didn't seem to work and my limbs weren’t functioning. I was sitting in the corner with tears pouring from the corner of my eyes.
Suddenly my hearing was back, it was sharper than ever and I heard the dreadful three knocks on the door. He didn't come in. I have to be the one to let him in. My feelings were contradicting each other. I knew I must not open the door, even when just in a few seconds he will start calling my name. Putting my hands on my ears wouldn't help. I wanted to open the door. I was absolutely anguished and I just wanted it to be over. His previously dreadful voice had a soft edge to it and suddenly I could only think of him. I didn't understand why I shouldn't open the door. There was a voice in my head calling a warning from a distance. A warning about what? He is here once again. It was all my fault and now I can finally go with him. Those 2,5 hours left. I don't have to suffer that long anymore. He is here with me and I can leave with him. He doesn't have anyone else. Our mother is too dear to both of us, to let her go.
He started speaking. He didn't say much, but that threw me back to reality. He told me to stop resisting and go with him. Sometimes the easiest way is the best one. His accusing voice told me how I’m the only family left for him. He was almost pleading. I couldn't listen to him anymore, it hurt too much. I started murmuring to myself. I have no idea how long I had done it, but he was getting incensed. It was probably almost the morning. I shrieked as his wrath could be almost felt. I hid my face to the palms of my hand and tears just didn't stop. His anger frightened me, just as in childhood. He was always threatening me and now, when he should be long gone, he doesn't stop. Will it ever stop? Is it really going to end tomorrow?
No more banging on the door. I have no idea how long I had lied in that corner, but my conscious was clear now. I could see the sun peaking from the window and I had to hurry. I had no idea what time it was, but I had to make it home before the midday. I couldn't believe I had made it. I made it through the last night. Now I just have to get dressed and let it all go away. Everything will eventually fall into place. Every step I took away from the house, was accompanied by a feeling of relief. It’s done now and there’s no need to feel guilty. Even the old town seemed brighter than ever. It was the first time I came home and I could look into my mother’s eyes without any guilt.  It was an important day for her. It was important for both of us. I put on my fanciest Sunday dress and waited until Mother was ready. She had a photo of her son, my brother, with her. The resemblance between us is remarkable. I had forgotten about that. Although I’d been hearing him talk to me for 7 nights in a row, but it had only been his haunting voice. His footsteps.
I asked mother if she was ready and then helped her get going. The cemetery wasn't far away, but as the day all of a sudden wasn't that bright, the usual 20 minute walk seemed to take forever. Mother didn't talk much. She has stopped asking questions about my morning arrivals. She thinks I’m just devastated by his death. She is quite right, although I’m actually just exhausted by trying to save myself joining him. We approached the grave and everything went numb. I couldn't feel or hear anything. He was next to me. His shadow was approaching me. Surprisingly it wasn't accusing. It didn't want any harm. My mother’s face didn't relieve anything, she was either a good pretender or didn’t see him. She placed the picture next to the tombstone and started sobbing. Her tears falling like a waterfall that didn't seem to end. At the same time, I was trying to figure out what he was trying to tell me. His expression had changed, the calm face was falling apart.
I should have known. I should have realised that he doesn't forgive. He doesn't leave without taking me with him. A person like him just doesn't let his murderer go. He deserved it and I will not regret it. I could hear my mother’s shriek full of despair when I collapsed. Her voice breaking when she screamed for help. The hopeless scream, which achieved nothing. She had now lost her son and daughter. I felt sorry for her, but I had to leave. My staying would have made her sorrow worse. He took my hand and guided me to the light with him.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

262315_139258766148897_101881409886633_249027_4620024_n_largeI've come to a conclusion that time is here to measure how well we are living our lives. Whether we live it the way we enjoy it and whether things we do are right for us. Time passes anyway and it can be a torture. At one point it always is a torture. You are waiting for something and it just doesn't seem to function at the right speed and then suddenly your long waited holiday is over. Just like that. A split of a second. Maybe two, if you are lucky enough. Still full of memories, but it's even scary how fast time can go and now, once again, I'm on my way back to Oxford. Not knowing how I feel or how should I act. It feels like ages since I've been here, as so much happened during the past two weeks, but at the same time it feels like yesterday. But I have to admit, I've never felt better about coming back. Ok, maybe not about coming back, but i finally feel like actually used to the place and it feels more and more like home. There is always something to look forward to, in every stage of life and I actually do have a lot to look forward to before the summer.
I still remember clearly how we went to see Ragnar's game, slept til late afternoon, did shisha, cooked some sweetsour chicken, tiramisu(which Geit didnt even dare to taste) and that pasta inspired from 9gag. And it was just yesterday that we played pool with my sister.
And the conclusion to all this way too sentimental talk is, that I've come up with a solution. The reason we have this(sorry for the following expression..not as carefully chosen words as they should be) shitty relative time is to measure how well is everything going for us. But what kind of a logic is it? Why does everything good pass by so fast, while everything else takes ages. This doesnt please people, or make them feel good about memories. it makes everything just miserable. But at the same time, if something lasts longer, then maybe it wouldnt be enjoyable anymore? We are just built this way. Happiness needs to be balanced with sorrow, just so you'd appreciate it and it wouldn't lose its value. But the saddest part is that there is not a fucking thing you can do to change it. You may fight as much as you want, but you archive absolutely nothing. Furthermore, after giving "time" another worthless minute of your precious thinking-time, you haven't come up with any new thoughts, you repeat something that has crossed your mindfrom time to time and you feel even worse than before. You have no power over anything, it is your job just to keep on ticking..

"There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness" - Carl Gustav Jung

Just some thought that came to me while driving back from Heathrow.