Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm always amazed about how good sports  can make you feel. You come back from a training and your mind is suddenly fresh, worries are gone and the all the stress that has been gathering throughout the day, is now gone. Everything may not be solved, but at least you feel so much better. Today i just forced my self to go and play for an hour and I'm so happy that i did so. Even though the day was great, I still felt like something was missing...i had to just get rid of that dizzy, grumpy feeling. And why do i even complain? I'll be home in three days, i can sleep as long as i want to, go out with my friends, dine with my family. Generally i should have NOTHING to worry about. But as everyone, sometimes you just need a time out. But i know that this time going home will be different. Not certainly the going part, which i'm afraid will still be accompanied by the flow of tears, but coming back part. The first time when i come back and Anna will not be here to pick me up for breakfast, cheer me up, go to oxford union, or any other possible thing. She's so essentially important to me and well even though she will not be gone( just one more friend to skype with..and she's coming to Estonia this summer!!), it's so hard to let her go. Anyway, need to think positive as always. Tomorrow we are going to bake a cake for the last English class!! FINALLY, i get to do some cooking again!! I have so many different dishes planned for the two weeks of Easter holiday, not sure tho if i'll have time for doing everything. Although....i know some people(hint-hint) who would praise me if i'd stay in the kitchen the whole time.
So tomorrow we are going to invade Thomas's home, and hopefully the house will be in a "ok" condition when we leave. Here are some photos of today's English trip to....... THE CITY CENTRE!! how exciting right... but considering the fact that it's been nearly 20 degrees outside, it's been wonderful!!!! And our English classes... there are not enough words to describe how coooool it is!!

Port meadow :)

 So much about keeping up with Rory :D
 not only because of Katharina, but..... Yegor making his way to get the spotlight.

 There he goes again... :D:D:D

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My English readers, im afriad, can only enjoy the photos today :)

Vahel on ikka tohutult raske sundida ennast koduseid töid tegema. Lihtsalt istud selle äsja tagasi saadud radiaatori kõrval, kuulad muusikat, loed raamatut ja kohe ÜLDSE ei suuda ennast sundida püsti tõusma. Kui siis lõppude lõpuks vaid selleks, et ajaloo essee asemel tulla arvutisse blogi kirjutama. Samas ma ei saa üldse aru miks ma radiaatori ees istusin ja püsti ei suutnud tõusta? Väljas on 15 kraadi sooja, päike paistab, aga ma ikkagi naudin radiaatori soojust. Küllap on asi ikkagi selles, kui külmad need inglise majad on, ISEGI see kus mina olen, mis on suhteliselt ideaalne koht. Vähemalt nüüd saime Heleniga raidaatori tagasi, sest meie kullakallisarmas warden võttis selle ära, sest pärast 6 kuud, märkas ta et see ei ole kooli oma ning pole kontrollitud......loogika ülekõige. Kuid mis ma sellest radiaatorist ikka kirjutan, pühendada sellele väiksele kõige igavamale detailile mu elust, natuke seda väärt blogi ?Need postitused on niigi defitsiitsed ja ma jaman kõigega et teile kirjutada kuidas  meie warden radiaatori ära võttis ja nüüd tagasi andis?

Nädala pärast olen siis juba jälle vaheajaks Eestis. Pole midagi nii juba jälle, sest korralikult olin talvevaheajal juba 11 nädalat tagasi. Millegi pärast on see Eesti isu mul siin viimaste nädalatega täiesti ära kadunud. Asi ei ole selles, et ma ei tahaks Eestisse tulla, kindlasti tahan ning ma olen enam kui kindel, et pärast on JÄLLEGI tagasi tulla raske. Eks kohati olegi asi selles, kui nõme on koguaeg edasi-tagasi käia. Just nüüd kui siin on kõik tavaline, nädala sees kool, erinevad activity´d ja nädalavahetusel kas võistlused, puhkamine, Thorpe park, London või midagi muud. Nüüd siis peab jälle Eestisse tulema. Just siis kui kõik korras on ja asjaga jälle harjutud. Ma olengi vist selletõttu niivõrd segaduses... tahan küll Eestisse tulla, kuid see tagasitulek saab seekord veelgi kummalisem olema. Samas ehk olen ma nüüd juba sellega harjunud? Nüüd siia kevadesse tulek on kindlasti keerulisem, sest enam pole isegi Annat siin.. Vähemalt sain ma oma toakaaslase vahetatud ning ma ei suuda ise ka uskuda kuidas mul sellega vedas. Sellessuhtes on jällegi kergem.. No ühesõnaga te saate põhimõttest aru.... lihtsalt selline kummaline tunne. Veel veidramakas teeb mu olemise see, et mu Eesti keel on lihtsalt kohutav, vabandan kui enam postitusi eesti keeles ei tule, aga kui kõik lihtsalt toimib inglise keeles, on vahel ikka päris keeruline ennast järsult oma emakeeles väljendada.

Lisaksin siis pilte sellest, kui me Anna ja Isiga see pühapäev Thorpe parkis käisime :) :

 Anna´s amazing photo taking skills:

 THE SAW RIDE, favorite without any doubt.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Got to love wednesdays. Seriously, there's been so much happening that i have no idea where to start. Winning national juniour league with Kristelle, Chloe and Evie? Beating the 60th player in England? Discovering that she looks EXACTLY like a female version of Snape. Cool people, who play table tennis, and YES, they CAN be cool ( yes Lewis, thats the part where i mention you) .
Having the coolest movie night with my new roommate Helen(who turns out to be the sweetest and coolest person)? Discovering that our room is now hunted(a mysterious voice that keeps tapping)? Starting to hate western world and how we try to intervene EVERYWHERE? How controversial it actually is and how nothing is simple in this life and how with every reasearch i find out how freakingly complicated everything is? How Estonian education seriously lacks of history and the overall knowledge of the world? Discovering how i really need a good sleep at night in order to function properly? How Iva had a B'Day and Thomas really made a cake and we ate it in Kicki's class?  Oh, and making it to semi-finals in Divisional championships, which is going to take place on Friday?
Well there is so much going on, and when I finally do get time, I want to just concentrate on putting my thoughts down. On a meanwhile I'll just continue enjoying life in England..and Skype :D :D: Because half of me is on Skype. And im actually waiting for the holidays SO BADLY. Just to sleeeep and meet everyone in Estonia, who i havent seen for ages.

Just because we dont have a proper photo together :D

Vabandan, et ma eesti keele üldse kirjutada ei jõua, mu eesti keele tase on nii kohutavalt langenud, et ma pean lihtsalt pikemalt mõtlema, et midagi kokku panna.