I should get used to the fact that in England, my hair never looks fine. After I've been outside for a few minutes, it doesn't even look OK, and i'm so not exaggerating here. I suddenly feel like I'm living in England(was about time tho), because it's been raining for the past few days and that's how English weather should be right? The whole September was beautiful and there was hardly any rain in November, so I think i got a bit spoiled with weather. To be honest... I can't believe that I'm talking about weather in my blog.. weather is the most awful topic of all times..everybody starts talking about weather when there is an awkward silence or nothing else to talk about. Even though sometimes it's quite useful.. for example last year my music teacher used to give me a ride to school(dont ask why..i was just waiting for the bus) and then i could talk about weather without feeling strange. Also if you don't know a person well enough, then you can discuss about weather. Which is a good indicator that you should move on and find a more interesting topic, or even better, go find a better person to talk with.
In my case, I'm just annoyed that what seemed to be a OK weather in the morning, turns out as a wind-rain-wanna-be-snow disaster. Talking about snow then it was half-snowing yesterday. I call it half snowing...because it was something between, and believe me, you whining estonians, your snow is better than what we had yesterday. Yours is atleast white, here it was just really thick rain. Atleast it got some people excited. As our English teacher says..we are really easily impressed.
Otherwise life is great, I don't know what's going on lately, but even Christmas concert today was nice. I like singing..out loud and as wrong as I can. Atleast it was good to watch talented people performing :)
I guess I have to start writing in Estonian now, as I'm to oafraid to go to bed. There have bene some unexpected guests in our room lately, sooooo I'd rather not take that risk before 23.00 .
can't wait for saturday, PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY timeeeeeeeeee
Vahel on ikka kummaline küll oma kirjutusi inglise keeles üle lugeda, koguaeg selline tunne nagu midagi oleks hirmsasti valesti. Samas tundub, et mõndadele mu trennikaaslastele meeldib küll mu blogi lugeda ja seda moodi võin ma neist eesti keeles siin kirjutada, sest siis nad seda google translateriga ei tõlgi ju? Sest mõni käib küll no ikka täielikult pinda. Saadab mulle mingeid BBC pingviinide videosid..ürita siis viisakas olla ja öelda, et väga lahedad pingviinid.
Ma eesti keeles küll teile ilmast kirjutada ei viitsi, aga põhimõtteliselt on nüüd klassikalise briti ilma aeg. Taevast sajab koguaeg mingit kummalist asjandust, mis ei ole isegi lörtsi sarnane, kuid samas ei ole nagu vihm ka. Täpselt selline mis soengusse sätitud juuksed ära rikub. (see lause lihtsalt kõlas hästi ,ma tegelikult ei säti oma juukseid soengusse, aga mu eesti keel muutub iga päevaga kehvemaks, niiet kui mul mõni hea seosetu lause tuleb, siis ma pean selle siia kirjutama ,eks). Ma veel magama ka ei julge minna, pärast ilmub mu toakaaslane jälle siia mingi kutiga. just hetk tagasi hakkasin magama sättima, kui ta saabus.Suurepärane, vähemalt astus ta ise enne sisse ja nägi, et vist ei tasu ikka tulla.
Aga ma nüüd jälle liiga väsinud, et edasi kirjutada. Täna oli pärast kooli jõulushopingu aeg ja no pärast skypemisi on päris tore avastada ,et kodutöid on ka teha....
Aa ja tsekige seda pilti, no offence, aga minu meelest päris hea huumor
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