Sunday, February 5, 2012

I've been wanting to write for a long time now. I always open this page but close it as soon as I've finished a few paragraphs. I've been doing some serious thinking lately. And no, it's not part of my usual sarcastic tone. And if I've done even more thinking than usual... then that IS a lot, because even at my regular state Im doing some severe overthinking. Im wondering if it's a sign of some more serious condition or syndrome, that is bothering me. I'll take this Wednesday to sort this all out and maybe to put together a even more twisted post.
In a meanwhile I think that my photos will give a good idea what's been going on lately( yesterday and today, which were just TOOOOO GOOOOOD, spent fantastic time with my friends :)))) )



Aitäh, et mul olemas oled, Liisa ! :))))

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