Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Reflections of 2017

25.12.18 I was about to post another post when I discovered that there was an error in publishing this. Will do this nevertheless as this would mean there was less than a year between the posts. Which is process. Slow process, but process. I will also do one for 2018. Maybe.

In January 2012 I made a blogpost answering some generic questions about 2011 and the coming year 2012. Ive decided to do the same for 2017. The answers to 2011 are below. I have not added photos to 2017 as I kinda need to go get ready for the annual party, but might do so later :)  As youll see there is plenty of peculiar overlap. 

What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?

The list could be long. The most significant were: living in three different countries in one year, finishing my dissertation, graduating from university, working in truly international environments, working on a task set up by one of the most powerful people in public health...

2017: Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
This answer is the same as it was in 2011-  I do not typically make new years´ resolutions. I do not need a New Year to make resolutions to myself. Made one signficiant one two days ago for instance. 

2017: What countries did you visit?
 I lived in the UK, Switzerland and Spain. I guess that means I visited my home country Estonia, France and Czech Republic. 
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017? 
In 2011 I wrote stability. For a brief moment I was certain that this is what I would like to also have in 2018 as it was lacking in 2017.. However, this is only what I will need from September-December 2018. Before that I only need stability in my instability.
 I think I would like to have more time to read for my own leisure in 2018. Early 2017 was exhausting due to finals and the summer and autumn where just hectic..pleasurable, but hectic.. I hope in 2018 I can make the time for introspection and self-guided travel.. 
I can already see this happening. Especially in the early months and the summer- Im so excited.  

What date/s from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
In 2011, I thought im not good at remembering dates because its what you do what matters, not when you do it. Whilst I still support this line of thought, this year has however thought me that timing is everything. For some odd reason some dates did implant themselves in my memory- I do have a strange thing with numbers- some I remember for forever, others I do not. All sorts of old phone numbers, codes, passwords- I can reiterate those for years and years to come. It seems that the same can happen with certain dates.
Not surprisingly the most memorable date was my graduation on the 1st of July, as well as my move to Geneva on the 7th of July aaand my flight to Madrid on the 1st of October. 22nd of December was also memorable as it was my last morning in Madrid. 

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
There were two:
Definitely graduating from Cambridge with a high 2.1. Something I am for the first time in ages very proud of.
Working for the DGs working group and seeing our proposals work their way to implementation!  

What was your biggest failure?
Was about to say that nothing major, but I then I remembered that  I do have one that was probably the biggest fail ever. I had my bag stolen in a park in GENEVA. That included evewrything from my passport and phone to the keys of my house.. And all due to my inattentiveness. Pretty funny failure. Not funny at the time though. 

What was the best thing you bought?
As I said in 2011 - The best things in life can not be bought :)) The best things and people in my life in 2017 were gratis. Nevertheless the cheap Prosecco from LIdl to drink daily by the lake was a pretty good deal. As were the plane tickets to ibiza and day trips to Salamanca, Cuenca and Toledo. 
Where did most of your money go?
Wine. and plane tickets. For sure! 
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Working at the the World Health Organisation. SO SO SO EXCITED. Im still so excited that I had the opportunity. 
I also got super super excited for a May week get-a-way to France, Homerton May Ball, Family road trip around the UK, psychology conference in Prague, planning a ski trip for January 2018, Zsofi coming to Seville and of course- LEARNING SPANISH and their weird habits.  
Now that I look back.... it was a very exciting year.. Or im just an excitable person. 

What song will always remind you of 2017?
January- June : "Now we are Free " Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard
July- August : Cant help it, bt Despacito and Calle 13 <3 So much love for this
September- December: Reggaeton!!   Ya no me duele mas, Madre Tierra, Cuentame un Cuento. 

Did you have any encounters with the police in 2017?
Well only to report my stolen bag. 
What was your favorite TV program?
Black Mirror, friends and of course - Cable Girls. xD Embarassed to even write it here but yeah, love the Spanish drama so much. 

What was the best book you read?
I loved "Myth of Mental Illness" by Szazs and Foucault´s " Madness and Society". But I have to go for Little Prince once again. Helped me put my things in perspective + it has wisdom for every era youre going through.
What was your greatest musical discovery?

Plenty of classical music due to exam preparation. Plenty of reggaeton. 

What did you want and get?

I wanted an internship at WHO and I got it. Wanted to live in Spain and I did. Both of which were accompanied by things I did not ask for though, as tends to be the case very often. 
Also wanted to have a good time with friends- I soooo did!!! 

What did you want and not get?

I really wanna skip this question this year :D But oh well. Hm, lets say I did not get what was initially not my intention anyway but became so after the common effect of " If i cant have it, I want it" . Human nature at its worst. 
At one time I really wanted to get gingerbread in Spain... did not get it, had to eat cinnamon cookies instead. That was pretty significant and traumatising. 

Did you make any new friends this year?
 Yes. And quite a few that I know are going to be with me in the long run. 

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 
I turned 22 and spent most of it on the plane and in the airport. We just departed for the UK roadtrip with my family and had some troubles with the rental car. However had dinner in this amaaaazing Indian place.  

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
What question is that ? xD Just as colourful as my personality :) This means it varied from day to day, from mood to mood. 
What kept you sane?
A few important people in my life. 
Also perspective. Having some perspective that everything in life comes to an end, the good and the bad.  and listening with both my head and heart.. 
Who was the best new person you met? 
I did not only meet amazing new people, but I got to know some people as if we had just properly met. From Cambridge, Caro and Nier. From Switzerland, my dear DG working group, as well as Zsofi, Tomek, Alpcan. From Spain my core internationals.. This year has truly blessed me with new people in my life. Just as a door closes.. another one opens.. 

How do you plan to start 2018?
Same as it was 6 years ago - with my best friends at my dads apartment in the old town. Im so very excited as its the 6th year of hosting this party. 

Where did you begin 2017?

 Honestly and objectively the worst start for the year. Definitely one of the worst ones that anyone can ever have. You can ask about it in private if you wish.  I was in Latvia. Moral of the story: always thro the NY eve party. 

How did you spend your summer? 
 Simply the best. Felt on top of the world.  Will always think of it fondly. 

What was your worst month?
March-May. The most difficult months for sure. 

Favorite night out?
Loved the midsummer eve, but there were also a couple of gems in Spain. 

What sporting events did you attend?
Weirdly I did not run a marathon this year. Went for solo runs usually.  

What was your best month?
As in 2011- July probably. Graudation, move to Geneva. Full of many highs and very few lows. June was amazing as well with finishing exams, going to France and of course- May week. 

Overall, how would you rate this year?
It had the highest of highs and lowest of lows. Not necessarily a positive combination. Informally I have labelled it the unfortunate events of 2017.

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
I think statistically speaking it will be the library, just because of January-end of May. 
Other than that I think drinking wine somewhere. 
Did anything embarrassing?
Something that objectively would be embarrassing- probably. However, subjectively- Probably not, as I cant remember anything.
Something new to try in 2018:
Travel to new countries. Move to London. 

And here are the answers from 2011:

What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
Well the most obvious answer is that I moved to England. Alone.It's not something i'm doing every year. And that of course isn't the only thing, there are so many things i did for the first time. I think that posting some photos with little descriptions is the best way to show it to you. 

Well,  it was the first time that i went to the national song and dance festival with Rea. Of course I've been there before,  but i was so small and didn't remember it so much.

Went to Tõrva to visit my relatives(yess, the coolest one is Kristin, obviously) and had AWESOME TIME, ENJOYED ALL THE CRAZY THINGS WE DO ALL THE TIME. Being afraid of murderers when camping, decorating the famous jumping tower( no not for suiciders, but i have no idea how's it in English. Jack or any other reader..HELP!?) and swimming at nighttime. 

Played table tennis @ the city center (Rotermann) with my best friend. 

ALL RELATIVES, please skip this part, all right( although now you will read extra carefully, as I have drawn attention to this)
 Had a cool hat-shisha session. ( well i dont really want to add all the shisha photos here, but this one was kinda special.. atleast photos are awesome) And i have to apologise to my dad and grandma and well.. all the other relatives who might check my blog from time to time. But that is life.... and that's just being young... :D

THE MOST AWESOME TIME WITH MY BEST FRIEND, when we met 5 am to go and take some awesome photos with my new fishlens and biking around the city(end up @ kakumäe)

 Of course we had to make a stop at Chopsticks....

Had a great B'Day party with Lisette. Thank you honeybunnies. We really should do something again this spring break.... 

Went to Tõrva again and was trapped with that ANNOYING Krisin in a ball, which was floating on water. 

 First time having a sumo-fight.
 Finally realised that what really relates us, is our retardness.
Had a slave for a day. Finally somebody did all the cleaning for me!!!!
 And Kiku's collection of photos  "how to torture and kill children" got a new item.
First time @ punk songfestival in Rakvere. 
 First 10 km running at a event called "nightrun". Thank you,  Elis! Who else would have had the courage to join me.
SANTORINI!! No more words needed:

First time taking part of a style week. 

 And running for charity with those costumes :D
And of course once in a life time, finishing 9th grade:

 And everything that came before...

Of course moving to England was the biggest change and "new challenge" for me. Totally new environment, out of my comfort zone. Meeting new wonderful people. Joining a local table tennis club, where I was very warmly welcomed , starting competing again and getting to know some table tennis players. Having all my classes in English, from time to time forgetting estonian. Doing  rock-climbing for the first time, international affairs, psychology club and of course joining Oxford Union. 2011 has been a year of great changes and opportunities. I tried to take the best out of them and even though there has been some tough times, I'm happy about where I am. This experience is just priceless and all the new people I've met.....amazing. So I suppose I could say that everything in England has been new to me. But everyone that have followed my steps through my blog have seen it and all this will continue in 2012. I'm just going to add a few photos from England, because you have seen most of them, so here they are:

Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
 I don't make new years' resolutions. Don't bother to make promises that are hard to keep and i can make my "promises" any time I'd like.
What countries did you visit?
 That's going to be a long list: starting from Mauritius were I welcomed 2011, then Greece, Finland, England?,Estonia? and Singapore
What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? 
Stability. It's not that I don't like changes. It's just that after a big change one needs to get some stability. Feeling secure and stable with being here. I should also find some more time for myself. There are several things I want and need to develop in myself. My days were really busy and I hardly had any time to jsut rest and do whatever I liked. I especially had some hard time in the end of 2011, so I hope that in 2012 I'm able to organize my time a bit more wisely. Find some time for just sleeping and doing nothing. Even though I do love the fact that I have a lot of activities, I still need some rest.
What date/s from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Not good at remembering exact dates, it's what you do that matters, not when you do it. 31st January was awesome.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Probably moving to England and slowly getting used to everything. Becoming more confident and being able to study in English. I also found out so much about myself through those great changes in my life.
What was your biggest failure?
Nothing memorable.
What was the best thing you bought?
The best things in life can not be bought :))
Where did most of your money go?
I have no idea... probably clothes or something like that. If you count pocket money and not airplane tickets etc. oh, i know.. OXFORD UNION. 
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
That i really really really am going to study in England!!!!! That winter break is awesome!!!! That me and Kiku went biking 5 am. That I finished 9th grade!!!! 
What song will always remind you of 2011?
Well there were many good songs, but which one will always remind me of 2011? Homme 18-Pilvede embuses i guess. (those who know, know). OH AND STOP&STARE
Did you have any encounters with the police in 2011?
What was your favorite TV program?
I didn't watch that much tv. Desperate housewives as always. 

What was the best book you read?
R.Cialdini " Psychology of persuasion
What was your greatest musical discovery?

I didn't listen to OneRepublic before, also some unknown bands: 

What did you want and get?

 I wanted to study in England. Now I'm here. I wanted to go to Singapore and I did. I wanted to have great time with my friends and i had amazing time! 

What did you want and not get?

 I wanted to over come some difficulties more easily, but life isn't always that easy.
Did you make any new friends this year?
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 
 I turned 16 and celebrated it first with my parents, siblings and later had a party with friends. 
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Wearing what i like basically. 
What kept you sane?
i have always been reasonable. 
Who was the best new person you met? 
Well there are a lot of people from UK who i met, I'd rather not bring out anyone specific. And then Geit of course

How do you plan to start 2012?
Started it with my best friends @ my dads apartment. No further details needed.

Where did you begin 2011?

 @ Mauritius with my family :))

How did you spend your summer? 
 Summer was just the best part of my year. All those days i spent with my friends were memorable and we did soooooooooo many things, you just can't imagine. Enjoyed every moment we had :)
What was your worst month?
Probably November and the beginning of December. I just couldn't handle anything anymore. May wa salso hard, because of studying, but i surviveeeed!!!!
Favorite night out?
All the shisha night with my friends. and the 31st of December.
What sporting events did you attend?
Table tennis competitions, rock climbing, gym. 
What was your best month?

July probably, October was also fun and exciting. 
Overall, how would you rate this year?
Generally I'm pleased with it, had the best summer of all times and moved to England in September.
Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
OUT !!!! :D at Kiku's place probably , or just biking around the city. 
Did anything embarrassing?

YESSSSSS, but i would be clearly insane to write it here.
Something new to try in 2012:
I don't usually plan those cool things ahead that much.

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