Friday, July 5, 2013

FOOD... or beans I mean.

Rice and beans. Rice and beans is the main dish in Costa Rica.  By “main dish” I mean literally something they always eat. Rice either mixed with beans or beans in a different sauce and rice made with something else. Rice with beans is quite normal even for breakfast. During the four days I’ve been here, I’ve conquered rice with beans for breakfast twice! Yes, conquered, because back at home (Estonia and England) I’ve never even dared to stay in a looking distance with beans because I’ve been aware of the risk of vomiting. However, even though I wouldn't say I now like beans, I’ve at least learned to tolerate them enough to politely eat a few to pelase the locals. Beans with everything – I would bet if I could that there won’t be a day when I won’t be offered beans. Beans in a form of butter, with rice or as a sauce for a salad. If you hear that the nationaldish in Costa Rica is beans – it really means that they eat it with everything. When I pointed it out to the local “ticos” they easily explained that it is very nutritious, easy and cheap to cook and lasts for a long time.
This week I’ve been doing a lot of cooking. And drinking coffee. Making sandwiches, tacos, fruit salads for the local children who come to the institute. I’ve been painting faces, making bracelets, cutting papers and relaxing the rest of the time. The work itself is quite relaxed so I like it and my Spanish is improving with every day. I’m in a very nice family where everyone takes their time to explain me everything in the most basic language. Yes, for breakfast there is usually rice, but I’m very lucky because despite the beans there has been something different everyday. My family cooks me especially because of my vegetarian needs and advises on where to go on the weekends. As well as getting advise from my family, I’ve met loads of volunteers who know where to go and tomorrow I’m heading towards Samara, with another volunteer, which is the second best beach in Latin America according to TripAdvisor. I’m looking forward to the 2 day relaxation on a lovely beach on the Pacific coast. The bus drive there is 5 hours, but that will be filled with books, sleep and enjoying the views.
My bungee jump is probably going to happen on the following weekend, as then I’m going to Monteverde. I do want to find a person to go with, but that won’t be a problem as there are many volunteers arriving and Monteverde is a must when you come to Costa Rica.
Today after my Spanish lesson, I joined other volunteers for a fun fair in a city, which name is not possible to spell . It was sooo much fun and apart from the cool rides, I also enjoyed spending time with the new people I met. Enjoy the photos and I’ll try to write more next week :))


 This boy wanted a scorpion.... well close enough :D

Cooking lesson. The black thing is made from BEANS.

Today we cooked for the children again. Küpsetasime lastele täna jälle.

 kohaliku vabatahtlikuga. With a local volunteer. con mi amiga!!!


mi amiga es muy loca  :D :D me gustaaa.

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